
Kindred Roots Design

Listening to the land and people,

to create abundant places,

and grow connected communities

Initial Consultation Offer- $50

 Initial consultation includes a one hour phone call to listen to the client, provide feedback, and explore how we can best work together and whether to move forward with the next step of designing a plan and budget. We look forward to helping you design a future based on right relationships and innovative solutions.

Elizabeth Moore, Katie Trozzo, Catherine Bukowski

Who We Are

We are a consulting collective that draws from diverse backgrounds rooted in agroecology and community development to weave together holistic approaches for land and community transformation. The core of our collective is three women brought together by shared interests and a vision of the world they want to inhabit. Similar to how trees reach out into the soil through their roots and mycelium network to gather resources and communicate, over the years we have developed a large support network of experienced professionals in a variety of fields that form our collective system. This means we can harness collaborative knowledge and experience to provide our clients with a wide range of resources and services.

Our Beliefs & Purpose

Our goal is to create restorative and regenerative systems by exploring right relationship with the people, land, and all beings involved. We focus our work on both human- and eco- systems through community facilitation, education, training, permaculture design, agroforestry, agroecology, systems thinking, and community building. We believe humans can thrive when we cultivate a kindred relationship with the world around us. When we reconnect to the earth and our potential as positive, creative beings within the ecosystem of life, amazing possibilities open-up for renewal, healing, abundance, and innovation to create thriving communities and vibrant places.

What We Offer

We connect with clients through an initial consultation to listen and observe needs, values, concerns, purpose, and vision. Then we draw upon our individual and collective expertise to craft a tailored consulting package. We tap into our collective network as needed to ensure we are providing our clients with the best possible way to accomplish their goals and transform their vision into reality. This may include advice, guided brainstorming, strategies, techniques, training, educational materials, design plans for landscapes, projects, or community organizations and more. We help clients get started on a new project or facilitate moving forward past challenges into an intentionally shaped future with a clear vision. Let us help you craft your story, design your land or tribe,  and cultivate your roots to strengthen your impact in the world and let possibilities blossom.

Land Design

Current Endeavor 

Working in Collaboration with Foragable Communities to create an Ecological and Social Design Master Conceptual Plan for Catawba Run– a 275 acre property in North Carolina. 

We can lend our expertise to a full assessment of the property including flora, fauna, historical markers, and other features. We have a network of experts to reach out to when we need further information to analyze particular characteristics and observations.


Getting all of our base maps, wind roses, and other document in order to traverse and assess the property.
Assessing fauna tracks- this was coyote, but we also found bobcat, deer, and turkey.
We located an old homestead while traversing interior forest areas, noted here by the remnant foundation, but first by daffodil fields in the forest and other marker species.
Katie and Elizabeth assessing tree species.
Cathie noting locations of stream characteristics.

Past Work

The Hale-Y Community Garden Food Forest in Blacksburg, VA which was a collaboration between community gardeners, Virginia Tech, the YMCA, and the landowner. 

Assessing the property for ideal food forest locations.
Katie gathering the children's opinions on favorite foods to include in the design.
Cathie presenting the concept to community gardeners to gauge support.
We look for the possible opportunities to create relationships in a community to connect as many people as possible to a project and to help grow its reach.
We believe listening is one of the most important skills to bring to design work. Listening to people, the land, experiences, history, current conditions, and all sources of information that we can tune into.
The first harvest of the Liberty Apple in 2017!
Signs made in collaboration with the YMCA International Women's group to help educate visitors to the food forest on the different species, when they are mature, and their health benefits.
One section of the community food forest with a mulched trail for easier access to harvesting areas and a natural bench made from a local carpenter.
The strawberry patch near the front gate of the main food forest area always draws people in to explore when the berries are ripe!

Presentations & Workshops

We provide presentations, workshops, and facilitate meetings on a variety of topics related to agroforestry, permaclture, ecological design, creating social systems to support community projects, visioning on projects goals, and more. Please contact us if you have specific needs to see how we can enhance your conference or event.

Katie presenting on riparian buffers at the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association 40th Conference
Cathie presenting on community food forests at the Casey Trees Livable Communities conference
Leading a workshop at the Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Association 40th Conference on embodying agroforestry practices.


  1. Pingback: Fall Into Balance – Community Food Forests

  2. Pingback: A Walk Through Catawba Run | Foragable Community

  3. Fantastic work you have been doing. Many congratulations. you really devoted your life for the mother nature. Being USites, you have lots of love for planet which exemplary…I will keep in touch. i also started framing in 30 acres land at Jabalpur, India. My WA no is 8527222558

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