This page is a continuous work in progress!
TOPICS: Click on a topic for more resources
Changing Climates and Building Resiliency
Potential Funding Opportunities and Advice
Catherine’s Selected Works
Recorded Webinar (April 2018) with Ann Audrey of LEAF and the US Forest Service Urban Forest Connections Webinar Series:
Community Food Forests: Fruitful and Fire Smart
Bukowski, C. (Summer 2016). Why Plant a Community Food Forest?. Inside Agroforestry, Vol 24, Issue 2. USDA National Agroforestry Center.
Bukowski, C. (2016, January). Growing Edible Forests as a Community. Small Farms Quarterly, Winter 2016, Cornell Small Farms Program.
Bukowski, C. (Fall 2015). Forest Farming. Inside Agroforestry, Vol 23, Issue 3. USDA National Agroforestry Center.
Recorded Webinar at the University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry:
Community Food Forests in the United States: Overview and Implications for Urban Agroforestry
Recorded on November 16, 2016 | 11:00 AM (CD
Recommended Ted Talks
Shein, C. (2013). The Vegetable Gardener’s Guide to Permaculture: Creating an Edible Ecosystem. Timber Press.
Although the title says vegetable gardener’s guide, this book is very much about how to design and establish a food forest. There is a chapter on designing the garden with examples as well as a whole chapter called Permaculture Edibles that is dedicated to plants that can be used for the different forest garden vegetation layers. There is also great information on seed saving and resources for starting a seed library.
Forest Gardens/Food Forests
The Apios Institute (
The Apios Institute Exists to share experience and knowledge about perennial crop polyculture systems for all climates (variously known as homegardens, food forests, and forest gardens), through a collaborative network of farmers, gardeners, and researchers, in order to fill critical knowledge gaps regarding the design and management of these systems.
Food Forest Network (
Online forum hosted in Europe for learning about food forests and sharing with others.
Land-Use Planning Toolbox
The LRP Toolbox is a freely accessible online source for a range of stakeholders, directly or indirectly involved in land use planning. The Toolbox contains a comprehensive number of existing tools and approaches that are used to implement land resources planning. The overall goal of the Toolbox is to make potential users aware of the existence of these tools, facilitate access to their information, and assist with the selection of those tools that meet the requirements of different stakeholders, operating at different levels, in different regions, and in different sectors.
Open Source GIS software and websites
Open Source GIS and Freeware GIS Applications
Seed Sources
List of Fruit Tree Projects
Join the society of local farmers and researchers in your area! You can think of this map as a modern day phonebook to help you find people involved in perennial agriculture and get in touch with them.
Composting Help
Connecting Children to Nature
A world in which all children play, learn and grow with nature in their everyday lives.
We are leading a global movement to increase equitable access to nature so that children– and natural places–can thrive. We do this by investing in leadership and communities through sharing evidence-based resources, scaling innovative solutions and driving policy change.
The Child in the Garden: An Evaluative Review of the Benefits of School Gardening